Day of the Dead Festival: Dia de los Muertos

As we all know, the end of the October and the beginning of November is the transition time from fall to winter. As the temperature drops, the harsh winter is the season that caused a lot death in ancient time. Therefore, aside from Halloween, Day of the Dead Festival is also a famous festival that celebrates the death of the loved ones.

What is Day of the Dead Festival?

Day of the Dead, also known as “Dia de los Muertos” in Spanish, is originated from Mexico that falls on November 1 and 2 of each year. From 4000 years ago, with the belief in cyclical life, people turned the fear of death into a celebration of death. Death had become a different form of existence and the beginning of a new life.

Why do people celebrate Day of the Dead?

It is believed that Dia delos Muertos is the time that the dead are allowed to live again and return to their home on earth for the reunion. The celebration is the way of retaining the connection of the living world and death world. Although most people celebrate Day of Dead out of their love to their dead families and friends, some people celebrate the holiday out of the fear of the dead because they believe that the dead will be upset and angry for not having the celebration and altar for them.

How do people celebrate Day of the Dead?

The most popular ways of celebrating Day of the DEad in Mexico include:

  • Set up altar with favorite offerings that the people liked when they were living
  • Visit, clean, and decorate graves
  • Set out pillow and blankets in the house for the spirits to rest
  • Eat, dance, share stories about the deceased, and have fun!
  • Make sugar skulls and other sweets to exchange with others

With the growth of Mexican immigrants, Day of Dead Festival spread from Mexico to America gradually and developed it’s own unique features in each community such as parades and street parties.

This holiday is similar to Chinese Tomb Sweeping Day which usually lands on 4th or 5th April in a given year. Although different religions and cultures have different beliefs of the afterlife world, showing respect to the ancestors and remembering the dead are equally important.